The purpose of this course is to set forth the fundamentals of ethical practices that are associated with the business of selling insurance: both mandated requirements as well as expected standards. The course takes a practical approach to this topic by including numerous real-life case studies that illustrate the problems and issues that arise when ethics are ignored or neglected. Drawing from these case studies, the course explains the ethical principles that should be integrated into a producer’s day-to-day business practice, emphasizing the standards and ideals that can enhance performance and lead to a higher level of service and success. Case studies pertain to both life/health and property/casualty insurance.
Topics covered include:
•ethics vs. compliance;
•the producer’s role in insurance transactions and the insurance relationship;
•required and expected standards and practices;
•the producer’s duties to insurers and to clients;
•ethics in practice; and
•practice cases for review.
Texas Insurance CE Credits
I remember when my friend told me that after he took his Insurance CE for the renewal of his license, he realized that it was really important not only because it is a requirement but it will help him in day-to-day basis by being updated with current trends and practices.
Many New Yorkers can now easily access their needs for New York Real Estate CE credits and get professional development trainings and courses on their chosen career with insurance courses too on such online courses.
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